Sunday, 27 February 2011

Yee hah! The cushion cover is finished.

As a result of watching Debbi Shore on Create and Craft, I started doing some log cabin patchwork with some material I got in Abakhan in Liverpool. Maggie and I spent hours in there with the lights failing at one point after flickering for ages and a staff member getting stuck in the lift as a result of the power failure. It was my first visit to that store. When I used to live in Llandudno I used to go to the store in Mostyn and I loved that. The Liverpool store feels different but it's still full of loads of great stuff, including wool which I'm buying a bit of lately as I made some 'loopy' scarves at Christmas. Anyway, I digress as ever. That one square of patchwork wasn't brilliant but I went on to make three more and so I sewed them together to make a 49cm square. I then realised that I wanted to make it fit a cushion pad already in use but currently covered in a cover I made years ago which wasn't finished to a high standard at all so was ripe for 'renewal'. This meant that I had to add 16cm of material as a border round the patchwork, so Maggie and I went for our first visit to T.P Textiles in Latchford, close to Warrington. We found the glorious blue cotton almost immediately and since the curtains Maggie has spotted have blue/turquoise circles on them, I thought that colour would be great as it also matches some blue in the patchwork. I also found some material for temporary curtains in our new house; which we'll be moving into around March 25th; it was only £1.50 a metre so an absolute bargain and a unoffensive colour and good flowing material. The tassles happened as a result of a visit to Ikea believe it or not. Maggie and I went with my sister Shelley, my mum and step-dad George. I saw some cushions I liked the look of which has tassles, which got me to thinking that I could do that. I had a quick look inside the cushion and yes, it was do-able by me. I bought the wool for the tassles in T.P. Textiles and then watched a quick video on youtube; about how to do them and the rest as they say is history. I must also give Debbi Shore the credit for reminding me of the basics as I bought her dvd 'Sew what?..Cushions' which is excellent and helped me through parts of this project.

Goodness, what a long story just for the making of one cushion but that's what I like - things around our home with a story to tell, hence filling our home with memories.

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Go on, you know you want to comment! Have you tried anything like this? Do you want a few more snippets of information about this project to help you do something similiar? Has it inspired you or given you ideas to do it differently?

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