Actually I'm even getting distracted from writing this post by making up an order on The Cotton Patch for some fabric called Henna by Makower which was on their Facebook page recently on a fabric face-off. Henna won hands down - go have a look why or maybe you disagree.
Now, where was I?
Oh yes, I was telling you about my crazy head full of ideas for sewing but actually I'm here to wish you all a happy New Year of course and also just to quickly show you a papercraft project I'm in the middle of. It's the yearly family planner calendar project. I don't really enjoy this that much but it is a lovely thing to have in the kitchen and to help us remember good things from the year before. The reason I don't enjoy it is because I hate doing the calendar bit on MS Word. I've hunted high and low for years but can never find a template for a family calendar, so I have to create my own, which is mega boring. This year though, I've cheated and bought a calendar from a supermarket once they'd gone on sale (£2.15 isn't expensive) and I've ripped off the photos on the top section and replaced them with my scrapbook type photo pages. Much easier and quicker and less of the boring.
There's just a few months to show you the type of thing I mean, although if you've been reading my blog for any length of time, you'll know this as I show it regularly but for those of you slackos who haven't read my blog for a long time, here's some posts I did about last years' :-)
N.B I decided not to do Creative Jumpstart this year, as I'm sewing more these days and I just physically can't fit anymore crafting in; unless I lock myself in my room for months on end and don't eat or get any fresh air or meet any people ;-)
Anyway, I'd best get back to doing more calendar pages and nag Chris into choosing his photos for his month, which is May.
Take care out there
Firstly, I love your little dog :D My to-do list is divided into 2 parts - one I have to do as part of design teams and the other is what I would like to do for me hahaha!!!! I have a patchwork quilt half done and am waiting to find some fabric for the background (will probably buy a duvet cover to cut up). I fancy a bit of knitting as I have seen some gorgeous wool somewhere that asked me to buy it hahaha!!!! But then you go and distract ME by mentioning The Cotton Patch and I now feel the urge to have a poke around there!!!! See you there my lovely as I suspect you are still there hahaa!!!!! Happy New Year xxx