One thing leads to another... again
Hello there
The other day I got carried away after making a card and it's happened again. I love it when this sort of time is around as it means I'm feeling inspired and that's got to be a good thing.
It started with this card which was created from leftovers which are lying on my desk. If you read my blog fairly regularly, you'll know that I made a similiar card to this last week but with black embossing. Strangely enough the colour theme over on the British Crafters Facebook page was turqoise and orange today too, so I sent them in a photo but they started showing Valentino and Chanel stuff, so I didn't have a chance of them showing my things. I thought that was rather odd of them, as they are called British Crafters after all?!!
I had done another embossed Swallowtail, so I decided fairly quickly to do a journalling page with that one. I really enjoyed the process of making the page, as it just grew as it happened. I started the journal book when I was at the Indigo Blu retreat, so I made this page along the same colour theme as the two pages I completed at the retreat. Sarah McCrossan suggested that to keep three sets of pages on the same theme can help keep your journal connected within itself, rather than it all just being random individual pages. The journal book we were given is gorgeous with a very high standard paper for the pages, which is excellent if you're pouring paint and gesso etc all over them.
Page number 1 |
I have another journal book which is a 'Me in my Moleskin' project but I've done very little with that since having it for at least a year. Doing this in a class environment actually helped me, which I found strange. I thought that I'd be intimidated by the others but they were all wonderful people and helped me be at ease and just go with the flow. We had plenty of tools there to help us, so I had no excuses really. We even had sunshine in the morning through the large windows in the lovely room.
The second page was when I was really settling into a pattern and developed it from the first page ideas onto stencilling.
Today's page |
My kind of journalling is just me expressing myself and thoughts I have and crafty ideas I want to try. Today's page still needs to have the journalling added on to it to explain why I wrote those two sentences on the zig-zags but other than that, I'm fairly happy with it. I'm definitely happy about recording my thoughts on matters today.
I'll have to be careful and not add so much 3D detail in the pages to come or the book will just get too thick to close at all but that's fine. I won't force myself to journal; I'll just do it when I feel the need. That way, it'll serve me more of a purpose.
Crafting for a purpose creates a purpose to craft. Hopefully it will for me.
Take care out there
haha you do realise that journalling is addictive don't you??? I love what you have done so far and you are so right to just do it when you feel inspired! I do that too as it could become a chore other wise. I am loving your journey with your butterfly stamp. Embossing it onto patterned paper looks fantastic Diane!!! Have a lovely Easter sweetie, hope someone gets you a mahoosive easter egg to much!!! HUGS xxx