My daughter often is relaxed. Sometimes, as her mother, I find that annoying when I need her to do things but at other times, it really is an endearing aspect of her character.
What does that photo have to do with my daughter, I can almost hear you say. Well, follow this post and all will be revealed.
It's the last week of the FieldGuide for the Curious Scrapbookers' class I've been doing. One of the last two videos shows May completing a L.O using all the techniques we've covered in class. I want to do this I thought straight away. Around the same time I saw a great article on Sarah's cards blog about using hexagons. There's a great link on there to a site which creates custom sized and coloured hexagon templates, so it's well worth a visit.
Once I'd cut my larger hexagons out, I realised that I had created a wonderful template, which was just calling out to be used. Since the colours I was using was pink, greens and blues, it was genius as I have a blue pre-made mist ready to go, so off I went.
This was my practise go |
I did a rough sketch of how I intended to lay everything out; placing hexagons next to each other etc. I misted three of these vertical row of hexagons template as I had three photos.
Another criteria I set myself was to use the Pink Paislee Spring Jubilee papers, especially since this was a L.O about having fun in the sunshine and outdoors in the Spring. Besides, I don't need an excuse to use it; I just do because I can because I love it! I must get some stamps to go with it and possibly some of my extra fave pages in 12x12 size.
Another stipulation I gave myself was to give using foil a go. I hadn't done it before and it was great fun; especially the embossing with the leaves folder - I love it when I find something like that which matches perfectly with what I'm doing. I went overboard with the foil really as it doesn't really match the subject but hey ho, I had fun, so who cares?! :-)
The doodling in various places was good fun too |
The one thing I noticed about this L.O was the speed at which it happened. It was far from break-neck but it was fairly smooth sailing over a comparatively short space of time. This really pleased me too, as that's a goal of mine this year.
Now you can see Maggie relaxed after a 'tough' walk up the hill. She's such a diamond gem for making me go that day. She's a treasure indeed.
Take care out there
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Go on, you know you want to comment! Have you tried anything like this? Do you want a few more snippets of information about this project to help you do something similiar? Has it inspired you or given you ideas to do it differently?