Sunday, 5 June 2011

Passing a driving test

Hello again

This entry is for Chris's son Alex who has already passed the computer part of his driving test but he just has to pass the actual driving part now. He's in the middle of his A level exams though, so I think he'll not sit it until July, so I'm well prepared. I was chuffed to bits to find that the red plaid paper was a spare from a previous project. Leigh Mitchell was the person who designed this card though as I saw it on her blog. I had trouble finding a car cut on my Cricut cartridges, so I emailed her to ask where she got hers from and she was very very helpful and has even put me onto which is a mindfield of inspiration, help and shopping for crafty stuff. Leigh used an Ellison die for her car. Thanks so much Leigh.
I used my brand new 'boys will be boys' cartridge (bought especially) and cut the car at 5cm to fit in the space. The card base is 6in square. My card is obviously slightly different to Leigh's as the tyres have ended up red on my car and the red 'gems' along the bottom have glue marks all around them as I'm rubbish with keeping glue in it's rightful place - black is very unforgiving as well of course. Normally Pinflair glue can be rubbed away when dry but this time it isn't budging. Anyway, all errors aside, I think it's pretty good.
n.b - I can't remember which cartridge I used for the text. The stars were cut from Plantin School book but I can't remember what size I did them at. The embossing folder was divine swirls as I don't have the dots one which Leigh used and is much better as it looks like tyres - yet another thing I 'need' to buy.
Take care out there

1 comment:

  1. The words were cut from Plantin School book at 2cm.
    The stars were cut (black) at 4cm and silver at 3.5cm


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