Sunday, 19 June 2011

Look, look, look - I feel like a kid at Christmas

I can hear you all now saying, " oh dear, she's getting all excited about a fish cut out of completely inappropriate background paper; what's she so wound up about?" Before you mock me anymore, I'll put you straight. I'm so excited because, it's not a paper fish, it's a cotton fish!! It's my very first cut of material with my Cricut. The world of easy applique is now mine! I found a fish shape on the Boys will be boys cartridge as I want to make a cover for the fish tank (to stop the sun shining in on it at certain times of day as that causes disgusting green hairy moss on the glass). It was easy peasy despite me not quite putting the material in the right place on the mat. I'm so chuffed. I used heat'n bond on the back of the cotton material as I've seen a few people do on youtube videos and it does work!

Ok, I'm off to iron some more (you iron the heat'n bond on the back of your cotton material before cutting it). I wonder how long the fun of getting the ironing board out will last :-)

Take care out there

p.s no I won't be using this fish on anything; he'll be my prototype :-)  I've just found some gorgeous material in one of my material bags which looks like water, so that'll be perfect and perhaps use a dark blue for the base material.

1 comment:

  1. Diane, you are so funny. I read your blog and can imagine you chatting and your sheer excitement over the new things you create and put on here. It lovely to hear someone with so much enthusiasm about her crafts. I love your little fishy. What a great idea to use fabric....I will have to have a go. There is just not enough hours to do everything I want to do......:( Have fun...x


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